劉作時律師 0918713101

標題: CBOE rule book 6.25 [打印本頁]

作者: sec2100    時間: 2018-4-29 00:04
標題: CBOE rule book 6.25

Effective May 8, 2015, Rule 6.25 will be replaced in its entirety by revised Rule 6.25 (See SR-CBOE2015-039).The purpose of this circular is to highlight particular provisions of revised Rule 6.25. Pleasesee revised Rule 6.25 and SR-CBOE-2015-039 for a complete description of the requirements of Rule6.25.Unless otherwise directed by the CBOE Help Desk (the “Help Desk”), Trading Permit Holders (“TPHs”)should not update a trade record in the Continuous Trade Match (“CTM”) system pursuant to Rule 6.25.TPHs directed by the Help Desk to change a trade record in CTM pursuant to Rule 6.25 do not need tofollow the procedures set forth in Rule 6.67 or RG15-072. As noted below, however, TPHs have theoption to use the CBOE Change Notification Form to notify the Exchange of a mutually agreednullification or price adjustment.


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